It's easy to see the idols in someone else.
To see the crucifixes and saints that so many worship.
Yet I try my best to look past my own idols.
They may not be literal figurines.
They may even be praised and accepted by our American culture.
Accepted by the church as well.
Encouraged by well meaning Christians.
What do I devote my time and energy to?
My thoughts?
My desires?
Is it to know my Father more?
To become more like His Son?
To use my abilities and resources for His glory?
Or do I seek the praise of man?
Do I find comfort in things?
Do I hold tight to my possessions?
My relationships?
My job, a title, or my accomplishments?
Is my acceptance and reputation a top priority?
We are to live in this world, we need to work.
We are to have relationships.
We need to clothe our bodies and have a roof over our heads.
But where do I put my security?
My confidence?
Is it in the Creator of the Universe, the one who holds the wold in the palm of His hand?
It makes me squirm with discomfort when I am honest.
I worship security.
I worship acceptance.
I worship material possessions.
I worship control.
Lord, I want to worship You, and You alone.
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